A video presentation that features the upscale office and mixed use retail complex, Lafayette Center. Located on 20th street N.W., Lafayette Center Developers Farr-Jewett requested a video that dramatically demonstrated the premium features available to tenants. A supplemental section was added shortly after the original video was produced and is included within this piece. That supplement is entitled, Mediaplex , a strategy designed to bring high-tech communications companies into Lafayette Center. Farr-Jewett secured an anchor tenant, Andre Perry Video. Andre Perry, a Canadian sound studio and video finishing facility best know as recording studio responsible for multiple Billboard and Grammy awards for technical achievement. Albums recorded at the studio include Saturday Night Fever by the Bee-Gees and Synchronicity by The Police.

The Andre Perry facility at Lafayette Center was an effort to bring the same leading edge technology and creative environment to the basement level of Lafayette Center. The Andre Perry Studio featured an advanced post-production suite with Quantel Paintbox graphics, a Quantel Mirage dual channel DVE and a Philips Spirit Film to Videotape transfer system. Andre Perry provided a bundle of discounted services to production companies relocating to Lafayette Center. Farr-Jewett added further build out incentives that provided prospective tenants with competitive technical advantages and convenience. Mediaplex marketing was targeted to video, sound, graphics, advertising and public relations industries.